Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Summertime Blues?

I've noticed that our kids have been more rebellious and a little more rowdy than usual, and when it comes to the 4 year old, even a little more is too much rowdy. So I took some time to observe, and I discovered the problem right away! It's our routine!

This summer has been one of changes and moves, and the first summer our 4 year old has been 'off school'. And with all of the changes and last minute plans, we've let all of our routines go. All of us.

So I've decided to take some time and help re-create a schedule. Gone are the morning cartoons that seem to last ALL morning (our son recently discovered that Cartoon Network has cartoons all day and THAT is NOT going to happen.)

We're back to breakfast at the table, writing/reading fun, snack and a cartoon or two, lunch then a book (and hopefully a nap), snack and reading time, then PBS kids because the boy loves CyberChase. Not to mention outside every minute he's not doing all those things, playing with the big kids, flirting with the girls, helping with the garden and playing with Daddy, and our several times a week walk to the park.

Everyone needs routine in their lives. At least the everyones living in our house. Without it we become complacent, irritable, and lost in a sea of 'stuff' that finds itself here every day. So it isn't just our little one, it's me. Shiny sink before bed (Thank you FlyLady!), work during naptime, and getting the rest of us (and our stuff) back to 15 minutes from clean. It's our living standard. It's rarely 100% clean, but 99.9 + 45 minutes clean works for me.

If things have started to come unglued, take a look around. Are your routines in place? Is there something you've left out? Take a moment to organize for even 15 minutes. Then take the rest of that hour for you.

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